Nukaworld (Part 2)

Okay so I lied.  You didn’t really expect me to never play this DLC through, right?  I mean, things needed killing, and they weren’t going to kill themselves, despite me saying, and wishing, that they would.

In summary, the plot involves traveling to a large raider camp inside a derelict theme park, becoming one of them, re-taking the other areas of the park that had since gotten overrun with various threats, distributing the spoils, and solving the raider factions’ political problems.

Yeah, that sounds miserable, or

You can travel to the raider camp, become one of them, re-take the other areas of the park that had since gotten overrun with various threats, then go on a bloody rampage and murder every raider.  As I usually default to the harbinger of justice, I chose the latter option which, after the painful trudge of retaking the parks and listening to this large group of psychopaths complain about their problems, was way more fun.  Besides which, it seems a little unsporting to team up with the psychopaths and go kill regular people just going about their business.  Violence needs a proper motive, and if my predilection to save innocents wasn’t sufficient, the desire to silence all the whining certainly was.

There’s my very brief synopsis, now funny photos:

Yeah, whoever did this just needs to die for obvious reasons
A nice little homage to Psycho here
If this is a reference to something I sure don’t know what it is–death by flamingos?  Is this a Hitchcock nod?
After killing the raiders, the merchants are freed. I think the game was scripted to remove their slave collars, but it looks like it glitched and removed all of their clothing as well. Now there’s a market filled with people in skivies.
