A lot of plants have migrated out of the indoor garden. Some, though, remain. Remember the Evil Morning Glories, or as I had named them: Ipomea Diaboli (fuck you, botanists everywhere–I can do it too!)? Well, it seems they feed upon light–same as other plants, and not upon the negative energy wrought by souls of the damned as I had originally suspected. I came to this conclusion by observing the size of the plant I had unceremoniously thrown into a pot under the growlight because I wanted something green down there:

It’s a cute little demon anyway.
Also, that bean plant I attempted that managed to produce a pod? The pod dried and I harvested it, figuring it wasn’t worth the effort to eat a single bean, but rather to harvest the seed:
A single seed within. All the work and the plant only has a single viable offspring. Seems like a zero net gain. Sort of like Liz and I, except that’s a generational net loss. Still, I think neither beans nor humans are in any immediate danger of extinction.