…Fuck Yeah!


I take pains to explain that any sense of nationalism I posses is due to an appreciation for Americana, not ‘Merica.  The former is Norman Rockwell, the latter Chevy pickup trucks with Republican bumper stickers.  It’s a distinct difference.

But one day a year, the two are one in the same.  Here’s how we celebrated Independence Day 2021:

Burgers! (My home-ground beef, of course. I also started grilling burgers on a sheet of foil, so the juices reabsorb. Mmmm.)
Glowsticks and disco dancing?
Tailgating for fireworks. It’ll be a sad day if they ever develop this spot.
That is all


Noise Pollution Debits

According to generic web searches, a riding mower with blade engaged emits between 87.7 and 95.4 decibels.

According to the CDC’s Occupational Noise Exposure whitepaper, the foundation for OSHA standards, the maximum allowable time that should be spent in such an environment at this sound range is 4 hours to a mere 37 minutes and 48 seconds.

Consider the louder end of this range.  A neighbor mowing 50 feet away at 95 decibels would drop by roughly 24 decibels to a perceived volume of 71 decibels–approximately the sound of a normal talking voice.

So, if you’re one of these lawn-riders, for the duration of your landscaping endeavors, your neighbors hear the equivalent of some guy in your face going: “Blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.”

And if you’re also of the persuasion that you should mow at a slow meandering pace to maximize the possibility a passerby will notice that you have the means to spend a couple thousand dollars on a luxury power equipment item, you’re extending your exposure time.

And, if you’re also one of those aging men who think it’s cute to hold your young son/grandson while piloting your luxury power equipment item at a slow meandering pace, you’re also exposing him to unsafe noise levels.

Point being, you’re annoying your neighbors and likely damaging your multiple peoples’ hearing.

And you’re a douche.



Just a general post, but with COVID vaccines immunizing our elders, we got to have a family Easter this year.  The weather even cooperated.

Warm sun puts whippets to sleep
Warm sun puts grandpas to sleep
Grilled lamb puts anyone else to sleep

Happy Easter!


Garbage Pile 2

I have another garbage pile of posts, on account of me being lazy and not posting over the holiday.  So here we go:

Managed to compost all the leaves this year. Hell yeah!
Tried steaming rice in banana leaves. Cook the rice first.
Sister sent us emu meat. Looking forward to trying that out.
We did get some snow this year
The Jupiter/Saturn convergence
Christmas eve dinner
Been a long time since I got a rabbit
More pretentious this year
New Year’s eve dinner


Quarantine Thanksgiving

Each Thanksgiving I suffer horrible heartburn.  Naturally, I attributed this to the large amount of animal fat I was consuming.  But this year, we were bereft of any extended family, and amazingly, despite still cooking the same meal, I didn’t have heartburn.  I don’t want to make any premature conclusions, so I’ll have to give this additional tests to widen the sample size.  No family is allowed to visit until further notice, pending my scientific assessment.  For science!

Anyway, here’s some photos to mark the occasion.  Happy Thanksgiving all!
