Cold and Snowy (Part 3)

As per usual, here’s my post-holiday winter post, recapping whatever I was up to in January last year. I mocked Boomer indignation regarding lessened staff in service jobs I replaced a bathroom fan and remarked on the quality of the prior owner’s work Aside from that, the holidays were stressful as usual and too action-packed …

Cold and Snowy

In my opinion, once the holidays are over, it should warm up instantly.  In reality, however, it never snows and gets truly cold here until the end of January–the point at which everyone’s tired of the cold and wants to go outside again. So with no outdoor projects immediately available to me, here’s a list …


Snow is becoming exceedingly rare here.  We haven’t had a good snow in 3 years.  I’m still waiting for a good snow, but we did at least receive some snow–enough for a pleasing vista and a few snowballs to throw at the kid. Unexpectedly, my colleagues down in Georgia got a foot of snow.  Climate …