We’re starting to get more tomatoes. Granted many of them are because we cheated and bought plants, but it makes a good opportunity to try some new varieties.
Yellow Boy: Sweeter and less acidic
Black Prince: Mediocre and they tend to rot on the vine
Indigo Rose: Somewhere between a cherry tomato and a typical Big Boy, both in terms of size and taste
Pink Girl: I like this one the best so far–sweet and with a nice soft texture (sort of awkwardly validating its name I suppose)
Mr. Stripey: Haven’t tried it yet, but it looks pretty:
And, we received our first pear tomatoes, and these are genuine grown-from-seed heirlooms. They remain high on my personal preference.
Even the little princess enjoys humbling herself to do a little gardening. I take advantage of those youthful eyes to find what my aging ones miss. Here she is looking over the Black Prince (there’s a joke in there somewhere):